Figure 1. Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation (IALF) Brand Style Guide - Van Der Kamp, hired as an independent contractor, led the rebranding of the IALF by creating a brand style guide, digital assets, and more.
Figure 2. Musco Lighting Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Plan - Participating in a team marketing competition, Blake co-created an IMC Plan to propose to Musco Lighting's full-time marketing staff.
Figure 3. The WLC Communications Guidebook - As an On-Site Communications Manager, Blake solely contributed to the creation of a 56-page document outlining standard operating procedures for marketing.
Figure 4. World Food Prize Foundation Global Youth Institute (GYI) Press Release - After leading on-site marketing of GYI, Blake wrote the posted press release featuring student testimonials and following AP style.
Figure 5. State Queen & International Leader Journal Feature - Demonstrating a competency in journalistic writing, Van Der Kamp independently wrote this feature story as an intern for the World Food Prize Foundation.
Figure 6. Technology Transfer & The Role of Agricultural & Extension Ed. Essay - While in a graduate university course, Blake wrote the featured essay detailing technical processes within agriculture education.
Figure 7. World Food Prize Foundation Global Youth Institute (GYI) Workbook - Leading the design process, Van Der Kamp developed this workbook utilizing Canva while taking input from foundation supervisors.
Figure 8. ISU Creamery George Washington Carver (GWC) Facts Sheet - In addition to planning the inaugural state's GWC Day, Van Der Kamp individually designed this facts sheet on behalf of the ISU Creamery.
Figure 9. Serendipitors Photograpy Letter Head Template - As part of a visual principles course, Blake designed the letterhead above using Adobe Creative Suite platforms including InDesign and Illustrator.